Steve's Bali crash - Video footage


After a really really long day in the hot and humid conditions, I was physically and mentally exhausted leading up to my final run and things just went pear-shaped on my first jump. I did a Double Nac and was coming back down and just got my right foot caught on the seat. I was so stuffed that it just looks like I thought I could land it while standing on the seat - but there was no chance, haha.Up until the final round I was running around like a chook with it's head cut off, making sure everybody's bikes were working as best as we could get, ramps were o-k and setting up lighting - not to mention organising schedules and judging.I qualified first in the round of qualifying so I felt like I could hopefully keep it up for the final but when our schedule was continually pushed back until late in the night then it was 12 hours since we had arrived at the track before we finished riding with Greg Schaaf and Joe Sheppard riding the final at the same time as me.So that's why I fell off. It definitely hurt at the time, I couldn't breathe and I was cramping up bad too in my legs. After a trip to the hospital with mould growing on the walls and tiles chipped off the walls, I was kind of over the whole experience. Not the way I wanted to end my trip in Indonesia, laying in hospital and doing tests for internal bleeding. The next day was when I started coughing up blood and feeling worse, but it was ok.Thanks to everyone that helped me out with the crash! Thanks to Andrie, Vivi, Pete Ando, Mitch, Jace, Appsie, Joe, Raynerand Greg, Dinda, Dira and Yudhi and everyone else that helped me get back up and off to hospital. Thanks Kym, Sian and TJ for having me too and helping me get back to Australia! haha.

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